During one of our weekly Speak Out sessions, we decided to experiment and test a microwave bread recipe to see if it works and what microwave bread tastes like.
We split into two groups and made a loaf of bread each. One of them was soft and was tasty. However, the second loaf wasn’t as good and became crusty and dry because the microwave power was too strong. We also made butter using double cream. The butter tasted good and added flavour to the bread, and it was also easy to make. However, it did leave some of us with slightly sore arms due to the vigorous shaking of the double cream, so if you try this at home, make sure you have someone to take turns with.

- First add 5 tablespoons of all-purpose flour into a large mixing bowl.
- Next mix in 1 teaspoon each of baking powder and vanilla extract.
- Then add one egg and stir the mixture thoroughly.
- After that pour in 2-3 tablespoons of milk.
- Next add 2 tablespoons of water.
- Then add 2-3 tablespoons of an oil of your choice.
- Once you have added all your ingredients into the flour, knead the dough thoroughly.
- Then shape the dough into a smooth, round ball and place it into a microwavable dish or bowl.
- Microwave for 5 minutes on a high heat.
- Finally, enjoy your delicious microwave bread with some homemade butter!

- Fill your mason jar halfway with the heavy cream and close the lid tightly.
- Shake the jar thoroughly for approximately 5 minutes (you can take turns shaking with someone else).
- Once you hear a sloshing sound in the jar give it a few more vigorous shakes and you are done.
- After that scrape out the contents into a bowl and drain out the liquid which is called buttermilk.
- Then with clean hands, squeeze the butter between your fingers over the bowl to squeeze out any more buttermilk, while working it into a ball.
- Finally, wash the butter in a bowl of ice-cold water to get rid of any residual buttermilk and it is ready to use! You can keep the butter in the fridge for up to one week.

For future attempts, we would add more water or milk to the bread and reduce the microwave time or power, which would most likely result in a softer loaf. We would also add some salt to the bread and the butter to improve the flavour. Overall, the bread was fun, quick, and easy to make, and can be a suitable alternative to baking bread in the oven if made correctly. Try it yourself and let us know how you get on!