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Harborough Locality Integrated Leadership Team (HLILT)
In this section we highlight some of our recent wellbeing articles. We have also created a reference page where you can find links for helplines and information websites to help you with your own health and wellbeing.
Become a team member
Please get in touch if you would like more information or would like to come and try a session.

Chill Out Project
HCYC has two projects currently running in local community venues.
Sessions can include arts and crafts, sports, cooking and games, as well as providing an opportunity for support with emotional wellbeing difficulties from the trained and experienced staff.
Contact us for more info or if you are interested in trying out one of these groups
Read more on this project and the youth clubs.
Contact us for more info or if you are interested in trying out one of these groups
Chill Out Project
Read more on this project and the youth clubs
Contact us for more information or if you are interested in trying out one of these groups.
Latest articles

Dare to be true
Sometimes its beneficial to leave your comfort zone. Dare to be true to yourself and unlock a world of opportunities.

An amateur take on filmmaking
Wes Anderson – creator of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ and other masterpieces – is magical, funny and entertaining.

Dear World
Read our letters to ‘The World’ submitted by Welland Park Academy students who wrote about what they love about it and what needs to change.
Other articles by Natasha
European road trip adventure: From snorkeling to storms
Netball Super League teams 2025
My work experience at Harborough FM
The current crisis in women’s football: the deadly ACL
GCSEs are over! Advice to my former self and encouragement for the future
NSL round 11: The top three look unbeatable as Storm close in on Stars
NSL round 8 brings high scorelines as the top four create a buffer
Round 7 of the NSL sees the top two sides earn dominant wins
A lack of broadcasting is holding elite netball in the UK back
Round 2 of the Netball Super League: A roundup
Elite Netball is back with a bang for 2024!
The Women’s World Cup kicks off down under!
The Aftermath: English heartbreak as Spain conquer the world

Using open space to improve wellbeing
Find out how you can access exercise and open space to benefit your mental health and wellbeing.

Access to local health services people
Read about the changes in local services that young people should be aware of.

Making services appealing to young people
Find out how LILT wants to understand how the younger population want to be communicated with.
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Dare to be true
Sometimes its beneficial to leave your comfort zone. Dare to be true to yourself and unlock a world of opportunities.

Dear World
Read our letters to ‘The World’ submitted by Welland Park Academy students who wrote about what they love about it and what needs to change.
The art of film is an extremely versatile medium. Many people collaborate towards making a film, but one vastly important cog in the machine is the director/film maker. This person often has majority control over how the film is going to look, being defined as having “the creative vision.” This in turn means a lot of what a film represents is routed at the stylistic choices a director makes.
Many directors have different techniques depending on the type of film they’re most known for. For instance, Christopher Nolan, the brains behind projects such as ‘Inception’, ‘Interstellar’ and ‘The Prestige’, uses intelligent dialogue and focus throughout his films, often using a non-linear structure of storytelling. This gives his films a certain feel that makes him notable through his trademarks, hence why he is one of the best directors of our time.
However, I’d like to focus on a personal favourite of mine, Wes Anderson. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, some of his classics will. Through ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ or ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’, Wes has created some modern masterpieces that I believe will stand the test of time. His style is often one of the most recognisable, from his carefully curated aesthetic colour palettes to dialogue and camera work that entrances all who view it; he has been noted as an “auteur”.
"He’s magical. He’s delightful, funny, entertaining and sophisticated"
He’s magical. He’s delightful, funny, entertaining and sophisticated.
In particular, some of my best loved films of his include: ‘The Darjeeling Limited’, ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’ and ‘The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou’. ‘The Darjeeling Limited’ is a great film to start you off on your “Wes Anderson journey.” Three brothers travel across India trying to reconnect after their father’s death. This film is one that is both beautiful in a visual sense but it is also shot in a way that puts the viewer into the story, as if you’re also experiencing the journey alongside the characters. I know, I know, lots of filmmakers do this, but Wes does it in a way that brings out the raw emotion that the characters feel, all the love and uncomfortableness, everything that is felt is shown, in a real and wonderful way. (Hence why I think it’s a fabulous introduction into how Wes works and what magic he can produce).
I believe the cinematography of Wes as a whole is something to marvel at and by just watching even 5 minutes of any of his films, you can say, “that’s Wes Anderson.” Undeniably you can look at his visuals, listen to the soundtrack, be drawn in with his magnetic characters and know exactly who you are watching. All elements of his films are carefully constructed to form these clearly entertainment based creations (rather than an immersive experience) that radiate all of Wes’ personality.
Regarding why I believe he is important in film, he’s fun. He’s magical. He’s delightful, funny, entertaining and sophisticated in his own wonderful way. If you want to expand your artistic horizons or learn more about film, grab a hot drink, settle down and let Wes Anderson show you what cinema is really about.
By Olivia Hall
New writing competition!
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We're looking for an Editor!
Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl.
Speak Out is about empowering young people to tell their own story and listen and learn from others.
We are a youth-centred website and magazine for young people aged 11-18. Speak Out is so special because we write about both the riotous, vivid and the fun and also real, urgent issues for which education is so necessary.
Help us expand our project
Here at Speak Out we believe young people are the future. It’s our mission to make the quality of life for young people better. You can help us to do this by a small donation.
...and how you can do it