Our Creative Writing Competition, “Stranded on a Desert Island,” invited young writers to explore themes of survival, isolation, and discovery. We are delighted to be continuing our creative relationship with students at Robert Smyth.
As the boat disappeared out of sight, Lucy and Jude slumped onto the wet sand with their parents. Lucy sighed; they had missed the last boat. She hadn’t even wanted to go on this holiday to Dragonback island. What a pathetic name, Lucy thought. If she could just get home and read her book, she would be happy. “When are we going to get home?” said Jude. Taylor Swift was blasting loudly from a small radio. “It’s a crue-ool; summer.” Her family looked sad next to her, for once Lucy had never agreed more with Taylor Swift.
Lucy pulled her jacket off and realized that she was sweating more than she ever had in her life. She looked around and all she could see was the waves, as her eyes reached the horizon it looked like the sea and sky were one. “Come on Lucy!” Jude shouted. They walked up a small slope that led to a coconut tree. They sheltered under the broad leaves for a moment to take a drink out of their water bottles.
They walked past piles of sand. It started to get steeper, and Lucy realized that they were going up. To make matters worse there were no more trees anywhere to see. “Oh, come on,” Lucy said. “We’ll be here forever.” She slumped to the ground. “Uuuuuughh” she shouted angrily. She reached down, and realized the sand felt spiky and scaly instead of soft like normal. Before she could tell anyone, they started walking again.
Mum handed out four apples. As soon as they finished Jude ran away. He is going to get lost, Lucy thought. She went after him, and they came to a part completely unsheltered. It was scary in the nothingness and lucy was beginning to feel very nervous. “Jude, slow down”! Lucy shouted at him. It was getting darker, Jude finally stopped. “You shouldn’t have run away”, Lucy screamed. “What if you had gotten lost?” Lucy looked around. “And now we’re lost! Mum and dad will be worried sick.” She started to cry. Her falling tears made the ground start to shake, and they both screamed.
Before she had time to think she was up in the air. She grabbed Jude. Lucy looked up and all she could see were clouds. “We’re in the sky Jude!” How was this possible? They were in the air! This was like something out of one of the books she liked to read about witches and wizards and magical flying dragons….Magical flying dragons! “Jude, the island’s a dragon!” They could see the sandy beach and sea below; this couldn’t be real. As they flew, they drifted off to sleep.
Lucy woke up in her bed and could hear her parent’s downstairs. It must have been a dream, but then she saw a shadow at the window – she peered through the curtains as a yellow, sandy tail disappeared into the clouds.